Friday, July 6, 2012

If you haven't heard yet of the DNSChanger Malware and you haven't checked your pc to see if you've been infected, then you might have a new boat anchor on your hands after Sunday, 7/8.

The DNSChanger Malware showed its ugly head in 2007 and by 2011, the FBI had figured out who was responsible and shut it down.  There's been non-profit group that has been assisting the FBI in routing traffic (DNS Routing) on the internet however this service goes away after Sunday.

The good news is there's an easy check to see if you are infected.  Visit and if you get the image above, then you're ok.  However if you received another image, it will be the same picture as above, however the background will be red.  Then you can go here here for a list of removal tools.

Don't be caught off-guard on Monday morning!

Credit goes to PC World and a handful of other sites that are informing the public.
DNSChanger Malware Set to Knock Thousands Off Internet on Monday

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